You are the twinkle

You are the twinkle
You are the twinkle of my eyes; The smile on my lips; The joy of my face; Without you I am incomplete.

Jan, 18 2012     102 chars (1 sms)     772 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

some love one some love two i love one that is you.........?
The only way 2 love is not finding the perfect person bt by loving the imperfect person perfectly.`True love doesnt hav a happy ending.```it simply doesnt end.
Love, knows no reason, knows no time, it has a sole intention of bringing people together to a time, called - F O R E V E R...
If i reached for your hand , will u hold it ? If i hold out my arms, will u hug me ? If i go for your lips, will u kiss me ? If i capture ur heart , will u love me ??
if you ` love s o m e o n e ` w i t h a l l y o u r h e a r t ` a n d y o u c a n n o t b e a r ` t o b e a p a r t , ` t e l l t h e m n o w ` b e f o r e i t ' s t o o l a t e ` b e c a u s e n o t e v e r y o n e ` h a s t h e p a t i e n c e t o w a i t . Ù
Tears in my eyes ......... Tears for you ...... Tears that realise how much I love you
U'll alwys b mine 4 now n 4ever. U'll alwys b mine 4 ur my treasure. U'll always b mine pls tel me its true. Pls b mine 4everi'll always luv u…
sweetest part in life is to carry all d memories in life but toughest part is tht to stay away for long time frm d person who is behind those memories !!!
Sometimes your joy is source of your smile, But sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.. But every time you are with me.. I will be joy always.
Love means to see someone with closed eyez, to miss some1 in crowd, 2 find some1 in every thought, to live 4 some1, luv some1, but sure tht sum1 is only one
Difference between boys & girls:Boys always misunderstand friendship as love..But girls always misunderstand love as frndship..
My eyes are blind without your eyes to see, Like a rose without color. Always be there in my life sweetheart