Life is a pearl

Life is a pearl
Life is a pearl When u start caring about urself,u start loving somebody, But when u start caring about other, Somebody will start loving u...

Jan, 18 2012     142 chars (1 sms)     880 views       Love

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Love is like a storm .It is calm and soothing.It is natural and essential.It is powerful and fullfilling and nothing can stand in it"s way... "
Loving sum 1 ` w h o d o e s n t l o v e y o u ` i s l i k e ` w a t c h i n g a s t a r ` y o u k n o w ` y o u c a n ` n e v e r r e a c h . ` B u t ` y o u j u s t h a v e ` 2 k i p o n ` t r y i n g . . . ` W h y n o t ? ` ` ` S t a r s C a N F a L L , r i g h t ? !
Don"t love the love unless the love loves u and if the love loves u, love the love in such a way that it doesn"t love anybody else""
Do u knw d relation b/w2 eyes? Dey blink 2gthr,dey move 2gthr, dey cry 2gthr, dey c things 2gthr n dey sleep 2gthr. BT STIL dEY NVR c EACH OTHER dats True Love
Luv is only a gift gven 2 us, we shd not hold it in r hands 4 we may nvr find d strength 2 let go wen it dcded 2 leave, we shd only mbrace 8s warmth & glow wyl it last & den frily open r arms when its tme 2 say gudbye........
its bettr 2 lus ur pride`2 sum1 u luv,`dan 2 lus ur luv`bcoZ of ur pride..`be a friend of thousands.`be a lover of 1..`n nvr let go of d 1`hu was nvr gone.
I have a pair of Eyes But can’t See U every day. I have a pair of Ears But can’t hear your voice every time. But I have only 1 heart that cares 4 u every day……!
There’s a love that only u can give, A smile that only your lips can show, A twinkle that can only be seen in your eyes, & a life of mine that u alone can complete
When a heart is the sign of love ,and red the colour ...and when walking around with your head in the clouds means that one is in love..Why do I draw a line in blue and am I only thinking of you ?
People continue to love`in spite of the pain, tears and heartbreak.`Maybe because PaiN made them stronger,`TeaRS made them braver`& HeaRTBReaK made them wiser.
4give my eyes 4 admiring u. u stole my heart the moment I saw u call me crazy, call me insane each time my heart beats it mentions ur name.