wen u feel cold and warm at da same time wen u read ova da same line for the 10th time wen ur heart and thoughts sum hw appear to rhyme n wen a simple name conquers ur whole mind den ur in love
Don't search love, let love find u. Thats why its called falling in love, b"coz u dont force urself to fall, u just fall and there will be someone to catch u...
If sumone throws a stone towards u, throw luv towards him but if sumone throw luv towards u, then sit for a while & think coz luv hurts more than stone.
It takes a day to crush on someone,A week to understand someone,a month to like someone,a year to love someone,But it takes a lifetime to forget someone...
'I Trust You' is a better compliment than 'I Love You' because you may not always trust the person you love but you can always love the person you trust.