i caugHt mySLf tNKiN oF d moments Spent w/u. iM a litle LonLy bt bein far frM u gVs me a beautfuL chnce 2 reaLze hw mch u miN 2 me & hw mch i miSs uR compny.
i thought dat if i tried 2 stay away, id learn 2 let you go & forget, but i was wrong. The more i stayed away from you,the more i realized how much i love you.
When it hurts to look back and...! I am scared to look ahead...! I just look beside me and...! I know you'll be there...! because we love each other...! Far more than love itself...!!
evryone wants to be the sun that lights up ur life...``But i'd rathr be your moon, so i can shine on you during your darkest hour when your sun isnt around