If you fall in

If you fall in
If you fall in river there is a boat .. if you fall in well there is rope .. but if you fall in love there is no hope

Jan, 18 2012     117 chars (1 sms)     1224 views       Love

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Love bears all things!Love believes all things!Love hopes all things!andMost precious of all, Love endures all things.
I love all the stars in the sky, but they are nothing compared to the ones in your eyes!
KOI hai jo dua karta hai, Apno me mujhe bhi gina karta he, bahut khushnasib samjhte he khud ko hum, door rah ke bhi koai yaad kia karta hai
Let Love Come To You, Be Patient. In Fairy Tales They Don’t Find Each 0ther Until The Last Page
Tym can heal all wounds. Tym can give u another chance, tym can help u forget, time can let u move on but tym can never giv back wat has already ended
Ur lovrly & cool kiss made my bofy full of freasgy breeze & its spreading fragrance. As ur angelic figure i m made now & I view uremerald eyes piping at me. WARM KISS
I may not talk dat much 2 u but,u'll find me waiting,every minute just 2 listen,2 every piece of ur heart saying!I Love U
No LoVe will end unnoticed!Its simply like fire ashes,ready to burn in any instance!All it need is a mild wind.Time wll prove ur Love!
immature love says, "i love you because i need you." Mature love says, "i need you because i love you."
In words, love can be read..In actions, love can be measured..but others don't know that even in silence love can be heard!Love U!
isnt it sad dat whn u hav so much pain n ur heart & u want to talk, d only person who can stop u from crying is exactly the same person who made you cry?
A "friend" is like a"ring",always close to ur hand but as u get"careless", it"slips out" of ur finger,so"dont" ever"let" ur LOVER slip out of ur life.