Some pray to

Some pray to
Some pray to marry the girl they Love But My prayer will vary, I humbly pray that I Love the girl I marry..

Jan, 18 2012     107 chars (1 sms)     820 views       Love

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SpeCiaL PeRsons" are part of our memories dat time can NeVeR erase . & wen i ' m blessed with a person like u ,my memories are worth keeping forever!
Sharp is ur memory, sweet is ur name, deep in my heart u'll always remain. Earth wants water, flower wants dew, I want nothing but a smile from u.
Feelings are many but words are few, clouds are dark but sky is blue; Luv is a paper, life is glue, every thing is false, only My Luv is TRUE.
A memory lasts forever, Never does it die. True Lovers stay together And never said goodbye. Donot say good bye to me my sweet heart.
Sometimes you have not even begun to speak, and I am at the end to what you are saying.
I’m not sure what life could bring… I’m not sure if dreams come true, I’m not sure what love can do… but am very sure about one thing “ I like u a a lot”…
Count d fish in d ocean, those r d days`ill care 4 u.`Count the stars`n d sky,`thats how often`ill think of u.`Count on forever,`that's d time ill b there 4 ü
Luv is a promise, luv is a souvenir, once given, nvr forgoten, nvr let it disappear
3 Things in Life once gone will never come back TIME, WORDS & OPPORTUNITY. 3 Things in Life should never be Lost HOPE, LOVE & Come on, how can u 4get ME
D most butifl thing is 2c a perosn smilingevn mor butifl is knowing dat u r d reasn bhind it.B a reasn 4othrs smile
I'v got your back and you've got mine, ill help you out anytime, to see you hurt to see you cry, makes me weep n wonna die, ill be right here till the end cuz ur my love n my bestfriend.
It takes a strong heart to love. It takes a stronger heart to continue to love after it has been hurt..