Your so beautiful, so easy to love, A fallen angel from heaven above, An ocean of perfection, a cage and a lure, A magnificent creature, untainted and pure.
Dnt force urslf 2 fall n luv jst bcoz u thnk its ur turn. W8 4 a while, mayb cupids jst hving a hard tym searchin 4 d heart dat deservs d kind of luv u can gv!
I always think of You as the Sun.I pray your Dreams Will Shine on all men.EVRYthing you Desire will Come True and I will ALWAYS Love You and be with You.
When you hold someone, hold them like it's the last time you will ever see them and when they go, don't make reasons for them to stay... only reasons for them to return.
What is love? Those who don't like it call it responsibility. Those who play with it call it a game. Those who don't have it call it a dream. Those who understand it call it destiny. And me, I call it You.
Life gave me`a lot of thngs 2 learn,`thiNgs i sHud kp`& Let go.`thNgs 2 4gt`& smtyMs rgrt,`i got hurt & cryd`bt y sHd i cry?`wn u r stL hr`2 rmNd me 2``sMyL!
There’s a love that only u can give, A smile that only your lips can show, A twinkle that can only be seen in your eyes, & a life of mine that u alone can complete