I would give up happines to never see you sad, I would give up eternity to be with you always, I would give up my life so that yours would be new... I'd give up everything... except you...
love is feeling, can you feel it? love is truth, can you face it? love is mystery, can you try to open it? love is gorgeous, have you seen it? love is belief, believe me.....
knowing u`has always been`a mystery.``i cudnt evn undrstand`how we evr`bcame friends.``But watevr`d rison mayb`im thankful`coz somehow`u made me hapPy.
i knw nothin lsts 4ever..& mybe we wnt 2 alwys sty 2gdr,But evry smile & tear we share, cnvincs me dat memries of u & me wil lst 4 d rest of my life..Byond 4evr.
A bell is no bell until you ring it, a song is no song until you sing it & love in your heart wasn’t put there to stay-love isn’t love until you give it away.