i wndr y d strs stl shyn evn f im sad.``i wndr y d birds stl fly evn f i cry.``i wndr y d sun stl smyls evn f im blu.``myb bcz d wrld's telin me i stl hv u.
getting wat u love is success, loving what u get is compromise, loving wheather you get it or not is true love, and loving even after being sure u won’t get is pure love
As days go by, my feelings get stronger, To be in ur arms, I can't wait any longer. Look into my eyes & u'll see that it's true, Day & Night my thought r of U..
I've notice that being with u, I smile a little more often, I anger a little less quickly, the sun shines a little brighter & life is much sweeter. I Love U.