if one star will fall everytime i miss you... all stars will be out of the sky now.... so if ever there will be no stars tonight it's all your fault..... u made me miss you so much!!!!
I've seen angels in the sky, I've seen snow fall in July, I've seen things you could only imagine to see or do, But I still haven't seen anything sweeter than you!
The word "miss" is also part of the word "love". So, when someone says, "I miss you!" it also means that they love you! Now, why did I text you? Simply because... I miss u
Loving sum 1 ` w h o d o e s n t l o v e y o u ` i s l i k e ` w a t c h i n g a s t a r ` y o u k n o w ` y o u c a n ` n e v e r r e a c h . ` B u t ` y o u j u s t h a v e ` 2 k i p o n ` t r y i n g . . . ` W h y n o t ? ` ` ` S t a r s C a N F a L L , r i g h t ? !
If you see some one without a smile,give him one of yours ,because you are among a few good people who can shine others lives by just walking with him a few miles.
When the situation gets you down, remember theres someone in heaven who loves you and watches over you.`and there is someone on earth who cares for you.``i do.
If loving you is wrong,then I don't wanna be right.My love for you is strong and brighter than any light.The way we must go is long,but we'll win every fight.
People continue to love`in spite of the pain, tears and heartbreak.`Maybe because PaiN made them stronger,`TeaRS made them braver`& HeaRTBReaK made them wiser.