My 1 heart

My 1 heart
My 1 heart 2 eyes 7 litre blood 206 bones 5.5 million red cells 60 trillion D N A"s... says i love u"

Jan, 19 2012     103 chars (1 sms)     970 views       Love

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D word s ' i l u v u ' ` d 0 n t c o m e ` f r m d L i P S , ` ` i t c 0 m e s ` f r m d H e a R T , ` ` d 0 e s n t ` h a v e ` 2 b ` t o l d , ` ` i t h a s ` 2 b ` s h 0 w n . . ` D o e s n t ` h v e ` 2 b ` g i v e n , ` ` i t h a s ` 2 b e . . ` ` P R o v e N .
My love I can not explian so rich yet so plain My love wil not come & go like the tide but shall truely sat by your side.LoVe U
Love is born with the pleasure of looking at each other, it is fed with the necessity of seeing each other, it is concluded with the impossibility of separation!
U cAn see mAny Lips Which smiles for you,But its Difficult to get An eyes..Which cries only 4 yew..Ever u miss thAt lipsBut never Miss thAt eye
:I guess science doesn't work everywhere coz the time taken 2 luv someone is never equal 2 the time taken 2 forget them.
I have a heart n that is true, But now it has gone from me to you, So care for it just like I do, Because I have no heart n U have two.
Beautiful Ur Words are not my DisturbanceBut the Disturbance lies in ur silence.Never Be Silent With Someone U Love..
I love you up from heaven down to the ground I’m really glad to have you found
People often complain what a small world we've got... but i'd rather have it small to have met u than have it so big to have missed knowing u...
Love is seeing Yourself in someone's eyes And finding yourself in Somebody's heart
Do you know how lovely you are in the stars light of my heart...! u know..! we will together forever and i smile inside to know you are completely mine..
WeN I WalK AloNe..I WisH tO ReAcH ThE EnD oF ThE RoaD..BuT WeN YoU WalK WiT mE..I WisH ThE RoaD WouLd NeVeR EnD..