i hav dis strange feelin of missin u evry single second of d day, havin a picture of u in my mind & longin 4 ur presence in my lyf, hopin dat sumday u'l b mine
Sum can mak u cry & give u tears.Many can mak u laugh & give u smiles. Bt, only very few can give u'laughing tears' &'crying smiles'Dont miss such people.
Sumday ul forget me... My name, my voice, and who i am to you. But even if you forget me, just want u to know that i will never forget how much you mean to me
Even the richest king cant have a greatest treasure i have. he may own things i can only dream of .. but he certainly doesn't have what i got & it's you
Golden Facts of Life:-When someone loves U,U dont realise it...When U realise it,Its too late,U always love the one who leaves U & Leave the one who loves U…
When i found u,`i found the closest thing to heaven,`next to u`i found the deepest love i knew,`i believe this is true,`i found myself``wen i found you!!!