Eyes spk more

Eyes spk more
Eyes spk more whn a heart strts listening 2 sum1 silently&life seems 2b more exiting whn sum1 starts reading thos eyes silently.

Jan, 18 2012     128 chars (1 sms)     806 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

U cAn see mAny Lips Which smiles for you,But its Difficult to get An eyes..Which cries only 4 yew..Ever u miss thAt lipsBut never Miss thAt eye
True luv is eternal... Cherish da luv when U've got the chance, for once it leaves U, it would b difficult 2 get it back.. Don't let luv be only a memory in U..
I MAY B GONE.. 4 a min 4 an hr 4 a day 4 a mnth bt i'll always b here 4 u i may nt b able 2 alwys say gd mornin gd evnin gd nyt bt i''l nvr say GUDBYE..2 U..
It's true luv that bonds people together, my luv for u will last forever, i'm not askin for a date dinner or dine, all im askin is for u 2 b mine !!
why do we close our eyes when we sleep- when we dream, when we kiss? becoz the most precious thing in the world is unseen.When i close my eyes I see u
U'll alwys b mine 4 now n 4ever. U'll alwys b mine 4 ur my treasure. U'll always b mine pls tel me its true. Pls b mine 4everi'll always luv u…
Love is a soft feeling of heart but its very hard to feel and when it feels its too hard to drop bcoz True love happens once in lifetime
Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs. - Shakespeare
8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning... i love you
LoVe iS LiKe QuiCkSanD - ThE DeEpEr yOu FaLL iN iT ThE HaRdeR iT iS tO GeT OuT
Never luk for a Gud Face, it'll turn old one day; Never luk for a Gud Skin, it'll wrinkle one day; But luk for a loyal heart, that'll miss u every day.
There R 3 kinds of luv:Luv takes a few days a get over.Big luv takes a few months.& Great love well it changes ur life.