I've notice that being with u, I smile a little more often, I anger a little less quickly, the sun shines a little brighter & life is much sweeter. I Love U.
When the situation gets you down, remember theres someone in heaven who loves you and watches over you.`and there is someone on earth who cares for you.``i do.
The best part of loving is not wishing that the person loves you as much as you do but in feeling that you love the person far more than you thought you could
Love not out of NeeD but out of the aBUNDaNCe of the heart.`Don't seek for someone who will fill your HeaRT, rather seek for someone whose heart you can FiLL.
Love is like a cloud... love is like a dream... love is 1 word and everything in between... love is a fairytale come true... Coz I found love when I found U
All I ever hear is what you whisper in her ear. All you ever say is how much you want her near. All I ever see is the things she makes you do, but all I ever wanted was for you to love me too.
my heart`has a`BiG space`4 special people`like u..`if i miss`2 communicate`dont think`ive 4gotten,`coz once`iv placed u`n my heart..`there u'll b stayin 4ever.