If you touched

If you touched
If you touched my heart by your lips, you would feel not only the sense of my body but the love and caress, which are only for you!

Jan, 18 2012     131 chars (1 sms)     737 views       Love

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if i died or travelled far, i'd write ur name on every star,so everyone could look up & see, dat u mean the world 2 me
Luv is born with the pleasure of luking at each other, it is fed with the necessity of seeing each other, it is concluded with the impossibility of separation!
Love is giving someone the ability to destroy you and trusting them not to.
I’m not sure what life could bring… I’m not sure if dreams come true, I’m not sure what love can do… but am very sure about one thing “ I like u a a lot”…
u cant wrap love in a box, but u can wrap a person in a hug. A hug chrms,warms and makes everyone happy. That must be why God gave us arms. So here is a hug 4 u.
A memory is golden, maybe that is true. I never wanted memories. I only wanted you sweet as a rose, cute as a kitten is what you are..
Something in ur smile which speaks to me,Something in ur voice which sings to me,Something in ur eyes which says to me,That u are the dearest to me....
Sweetest Words Evr Said By Sm1 In True Lv:"I'm Jealous of d Ppl u evr Hugged,Coz4 a Moment dey Hold My World"
R.for red ,red for blood ,blood for heart, heart for love, love for u ,u for me, me is u , I love u
People often complain what a small world we've got... but i'd rather have it small to have met u than have it so big to have missed knowing u...
one should not love just to fill in an empty space but to have someone to stay by his side to complete the missing piece in his life
If u touch n feel its desire. If u touch n dont feel its ignorance, But u dont touch n still feels its love.