I have a pair

I have a pair
I have a pair of Eyes But can’t See U every day. I have a pair of Ears But can’t hear your voice every time. But I have only 1 heart that cares 4 u every day……!

Jan, 19 2012     160 chars (1 sms)     896 views       Love

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Wen Askd Abt wht LUV isa Little Girl gAve dis BeAutiful Ans"Luv is Sweet Scent dAt Roses give wen they r Being Crushed" !
Mistakes there have been many, i must admit ive made a few but one mistake i dont regret is falling in love with you
my hart s made 2 luv u, my lips are made 2 kis u, my eyes r made 2 c u, my hands r made 2 hold u .....evry part of me wants u, maybe bcoz i was made just 4 u!!
Lives are for living I live for you, Dreams are for dreaming I dream for you; Hearts are for beating mine beats for you, Angels are for keeping. Can I keep you?
I thank God he sent you to me, For you and I were meant to be. We have a bond too strong to break, We have a love no one can take
FYT 4UR LOVE, dats ol dey say.LET HER KNOW & DON't LET HER GO, so what dey think of. IT WUD WORK OUT is dey beliv in. SET UR HART FREE, its wat they see. but how can i......wen 4u ITS NEVER ME?!!!
No LoVe will end unnoticed!Its simply like fire ashes,ready to burn in any instance!All it need is a mild wind.Time wll prove ur Love!
if msgS coMe at D wrNg TyM, Sory 4 d DsTrBnCe. & weN Ur fone beepS onLy 2 fND oUt it'S me, hoPe uR Not disapoiNtd, im jst sm1 hU Cares & misSeS U!Ð831:``8 letters`3 words`1 meaning...```i love you.
If I had letters "hrt" I can add "ea" and get heart, If I add u then Id "hurt" but I rather choose u and get hurt than have a heart without u.
Never hurt a heart dat loves u,bcoz wounded heart r like crushed flowers dat never bloom again bt leave d perfum 2 d hands who crushed dem
Sometimes you have not even begun to speak, and I am at the end to what you are saying.
My 1 heart 2 eyes 7 litre blood 206 bones 5.5 million red cells 60 trillion D N A"s... says i love u"