Love isn't how you forget, but how you forgive,Not how you listen, but how you understand,Not how you see, but how you feel,Not how you let go, But how you hoLd on!
She's da one who broke my heart... She's da reason why my world fell apart.... She's da one who makes me cry..... Yet I still luv her....n I don't no why
What iS gr8 love ? Its wen u hide tears n still care 4 her . Its wen she ignores u n u still LOVE her . Its wen she begins love another n u still SMILE
if evr u find urself n luv wid sum1 els,jz thnk of me 4 d lst tym & 4get me. & f evr u find urself in luv w/ d 1 u admire, jz make sureb× she luvs u mor dan i did
Only true Love Understands...The Language Of Our Eyes... Only True Love Knows When...These Eyes Hide The Tears... Deep Within And How To...Make These Tears Die!!