Don"t find love,

Don"t find love,
Don"t find love, let love find you. That"s why it"s called falling in love, because you don"t force yourself to fall, you just fall. """"

Jan, 18 2012     137 chars (1 sms)     792 views       Love

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Sumday ul forget me... My name, my voice, and who i am to you. But even if you forget me, just want u to know that i will never forget how much you mean to me
Rich in gud luks.. its u, Rich in gud eyes.. its u, Rich in heart.. its u, Rich in frndship... Wait 1minut... its me coz i hav "U"
A Rose.Say I.Love.You A Smile.Say I.Like.You""A""Ring.Say""I.Marry.You"""BUT"""My.Small.S.M.S""Say""I.Cant.Forget""You"
Absence is d best presence.Coz if people r Absent thn u Miss them..& if u Miss them thAt meAns they r Present in ur heArt.
Golden Facts of Life:-When someone loves U,U dont realise it...When U realise it,Its too late,U always love the one who leaves U & Leave the one who loves U…
i tHaNk u Bcoz u LiSten wHen i sPeak & U c Me 4 wHo i am. i wiL thanK u evRy day of My LiFe Bcoz Ur 1 of My Life's greatst gfts!
If love hurts, then love some more. If love hurts some more, then love even more. If love hurts even more, then love till it hurts no more.
So Often We Don't Say "I LOVE YOU",because We Fear Losing Someone...But More Often, We Lose them,because We Fear Sayin "I LOVE YOU"..
Feelings r a waste when not expressedHeart is a mere extension if it doesn't beat 4 sm1 elseLife is useless if not Loved&LuV is a waste if not lived.
There would come a time when we have to stop loving someone not because that person has started hating us but because we found out that they'd be happier if we let them go.
A memory is golden, maybe that is true. I never wanted memories. I only wanted you sweet as a rose, cute as a kitten is what you are..
2TeAr Drop wer Flowing down d River1sAid 2d othr,I'm d teAr drop of Guy who Lovd & nvr ExprsdWho r u?Im d teAr drop of d gAl who wAs Wi8n 4him...