A special smile

A special smile
A special smile a special face.a special someone i cant replace.i luv u i always will.uve filled a space no one can fill!

Jan, 18 2012     122 chars (1 sms)     840 views       Love

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One hurts you so that you may find someone who can heal u, if nobody is there to hurt u, u will never know the person who cares for u…
wn u wnt sm1 2 b urs, it only givs u pain. dts y we must b creful in longing 4 sm1, coz d pain is unbearble 2tke esp wn ur longin 2 much 4 nothing at all
2day when i woke up, i was surprised 2 see U outside my house. Bt later i came 2 knw dat it was a lovely rose whose face was resembling U.
How about givng ur heart 2 sum1 who wud lov 2 make u happy, who wud love to be loved by u. So how would u feel if i give my heart to U.
Luv HURTS when u Breakup with sum1.Hurts more when Sum1 Breaks up with u.BUT Hurts the most when the Person u luv doesn't CARE of being Loved by U.
It must have been a rainy day when you were born, but it wasn't really rain, the sky was crying because it lost his most beautifull angel...!
Luv the heart that hurts you. Dont hurt the heart that luvs you . For the world you are someone .For someone you are the world.
i may seldom tell u how special u are, I may not be able to reach u coz we\\'re both busy, but inspite of all, u know u are someone I really miss and care about.
Feel my love for u, whispering in d wind, pouring down like d rain, rising up like the sun & then calming under ur embrace again.
How can u tell the rain not 2 fall wen clouds exist?How can u tell the leaves not 2 fall wen the wind exists?How can u tell me not 2 fall in love wen u exist?
The greatest challenge in our life is to find someone who knows all our flaws and differences yet still willingly embraces us with so much love.
Easy ways to die- 1.Hav cigar daily-u'll die 10yrs early2.hav drinks daily-die 30yrs early.3.love anyone truely & die daily......