
ThousandRaindropsFallsIntoSeaWaterBut SomeDropsOnlyGoesToPEARL...ThatWayIHaveSoManyFriendsInMyLifeButURSpecialOne... .

Jan, 18 2012     118 chars (1 sms)     769 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

Never get DiscouragedBecause nothing great is Achievedwithout Patience & HopeRemember"It is often the Last Key in the Bunchthat Opens!
Love makes life so confusing and difficult but without love would you want to live?. With out you I cannot breath also. Because my heart is with u
Pure love and suspicion cannot dwell together: at the door where the latter enters, the former makes its exit
knowing u`has always been`a mystery.``i cudnt evn undrstand`how we evr`bcame friends.``But watevr`d rison mayb`im thankful`coz somehow`u made me hapPy.
Trouble is a part of your life and if you don’t share it, you don’t give the person who love you love a chance to love you enough
If the world was made of paper and the sea of ink, I would write everywhere that I like you!
There r 2 ways of being united – By being frozen 2gether or being melted 2gether. Its better 2 b melted in luv than 2 b frozen in differences.
LOVE & DEATH are two uninvitd Guests, when dey ll cum nobody knows.But Both do da sam work, One taks Heart & the order takes its Beats.
If I could choose a dream for you, it would be the kind of dream you deserve. A dream that someday, you'll find that special person who will make your life complete
Hugs r fat free, sugar free and still r d sweetest. Hugs reduce blood pressure & help 2 relieve pain & depression. So,here's a big Jaadu Ki JHAPPI 4 u.
u r as sweet as bailey as strong as tequila as warm as cognac as exotic as malibu as heady as a cocktail & as special as as a champagne. i am simply drunk on U
Misers Love Money...Flowers Love Dew...Bees Love Honey.. As I love You.. !