The people whom you

The people whom you
The people whom you miss in your hapiness are the one whom you love.But The people whom you miss in your sadness are the one who loves u...

Jan, 18 2012     139 chars (1 sms)     807 views       Love

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when i think u r my thoughts;when i talk, u r my words;when i sleep u r my dreams;in my thoughts,in my words,in my dreams, u r the only one...i miss u so much
Loving u is not just having a cup of coffee. It still takes me time to add in sugar and milk to make it sweeter and pure...
Every teardrop is precious so better make sure that if u drop some, its worth crying for, coz u can never pick them and put them back 2 ur eyes.
When U are near,I have no fear,I am mad about you,I am incomplete without you,I Love the way u care,And Happiness that u share.
" CRY " is alove detecter.When someonemakes u cry it shows how much u luv them and ..If someone cries 4 u it shows how much they love u..
When life is a mess, when my heart has been crushed, when I’m wearing a frown, when I breakdown and cry, when I’m blue, can I comfort myself by saying, I have you?
Frndshp is the soil through which love's seeds grow . If u want to bring luv into a relationshp u must first bring frndshp.
If you live to be 100 yrs, I want to live to be 100 yrs minus one day, so I never have to live without you. I Cant live with out U
Tears can sometimes be more special than smiles For smiles can be given to any one but tears are only shed for people we love.
What is a flower without the sun, what is the earth without the sky. What am I without you, that is why I tell you .. I love you
The only way 2 love is not finding the perfect person bt by loving the imperfect person perfectly.`True love doesnt hav a happy ending.```it simply doesnt end.
This is a moon which learns from you, that is a sun which respects you, there are stars which shine for you, and here, it’s me who live for you