sum ppl luv w/o

sum ppl luv w/o
sum ppl luv w/o rly wshn 2b 2gdr.`sum ppl leav nt rly wilng 2 let go.`i luv nt 2b luvd bak.`i leav nt coz il b folowd.`i luv cz i luv,`i leav cz i hv 2 let go.

Jan, 19 2012     159 chars (1 sms)     736 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

If I were to be anything in this world…. I’d be ur tears!!!… So, I can be conceived in ur heart, born in ur eyes, live on ur cheeks & die on ur lips!!!!!
1st time i saw u i was scared 2 touch u.1st time i touched u i was scared 2 kiss u.1st time i kiss u i was scared 2 luv u.but now dat i luv u im scared 2 lose u
When i say i love you, i mean i love you as you are i have no expectations, no selfish motives, no other desires than to let you know i really love you.
I think of u, U too think of me.. But the differnce is, when I think of u, I send u message.. U think of me after recieving my message!
Luv is like growing, it's hard 2 feel, sometimes n even harder 2 see but when u look back on it, u realize how far u've come
A nice Line sAid by a Lover to one he Loves-You will AlwAys be the Answer,When somebody Asks me whAt i'm Thinking About..-Love yuv Sweetheart !!
SavE a spacE FOr ME in Ur HEART & not in Ur Mind. The mindeasily forgEts, But the hEart ALWAYS REMEMBERS. Like now, i remEmbEr U & that"s from MY HEART.
Love is the best and most beautiful thing in the world, cannot be seen or even touched..they must be felt with the Heart…
Just when I thought it couldn"t get better, you prove me wrong! I love you"
We say we love flowers,yet we pluck them.We say we love trees,yet we cut them.&we still wonder why some are afraid when they are told they are loved!
i thought dat if i tried 2 stay away, id learn 2 let you go & forget, but i was wrong. The more i stayed away from you,the more i realized how much i love you.
I hide my tears when I say your Name, But the Pain in My Heart is still the same, Although I smile and seem Carefree, Theres No one who Misses you more Than Me...