When I measured by miles you are far from me when I measured by thoughts you are closer to me When I measured by closed eyes, you are with me When measured by heart, you are in me
U promsd 2 tke cre of me bt u hrt me, U promsd me 2 brng me joy bt u brought me tears, U promsd me ur Luv bt u gave me PAIN... ME? I promsd u Nothing but I gave u Everything
my hart s made 2 luv u, my lips are made 2 kis u, my eyes r made 2 c u, my hands r made 2 hold u .....evry part of me wants u, maybe bcoz i was made just 4 u!!
You may think that I forgot you. You may think that I don't care, and you may think that I'm not thinking of you. Well, you're wrong. You're still in my dreams.
hw wud u knw if a guy truly luvs u its wen u scream he is calm wen u slap him , ` he kises u wen u cry , he hugs u & wen u tell hm u h8 him ,he tels u I LOVE