No one escapes

No one escapes
No one escapes from love, No one escapes from love, Neither the rich nor poor, Because it takes to satisfy a heart, We feel we’ll never be apart.

Jan, 18 2012     145 chars (1 sms)     808 views       Love

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When I measured by miles you are far from me when I measured by thoughts you are closer to me When I measured by closed eyes, you are with me When measured by heart, you are in me
Realize Things b4 its 2 late.Accept Things Rather Than Deny Them.Love People before u Loose Them..Life comes just once..THINK.
Never hurt a heart dat loves u,bcoz wounded heart r like crushed flowers dat never bloom again bt leave d perfum 2 d hands who crushed dem
Everyone wil not get evrything..This is d way of life..Dont try 2 get whch is not urs,But Dont dare 2 lose whch is urs..
U promsd 2 tke cre of me bt u hrt me, U promsd me 2 brng me joy bt u brought me tears, U promsd me ur Luv bt u gave me PAIN... ME? I promsd u Nothing but I gave u Everything
I Must Have Been Born Under A Lucky Star To Find A One As Nice As U. I Will Follow D Rainbow To Its End If U Promise To Be My Love Forever.
The twinkle in ur eyes makes my day. Ur smile makes my week. Ur laugh makes my month. Ur sweetness makes my year and loving u makes up my life
my hart s made 2 luv u, my lips are made 2 kis u, my eyes r made 2 c u, my hands r made 2 hold u .....evry part of me wants u, maybe bcoz i was made just 4 u!!
Yesterday I saw the sun shinin', And the leaves were fallin' down softly, My cold hands needed a warm, warm touch, And I was thinkin' about you.
You may think that I forgot you. You may think that I don't care, and you may think that I'm not thinking of you. Well, you're wrong. You're still in my dreams.
hw wud u knw if a guy truly luvs u its wen u scream he is calm wen u slap him , ` he kises u wen u cry , he hugs u & wen u tell hm u h8 him ,he tels u I LOVE
Ek ladke ne i love you bola aur apna number diya (09692097316, 7873131219) or kaha call karo.