Santa, where's your

Santa, where's your
Santa, where's your homework?" the teacher said sternly to the little boy while holding out her hand. "My dog ate it," was his solemn response. "Santa, I've been a teacher for eighteen years. Do you really expect me to believe that?" "It's true, Miss, I swear," insisted the boy. "I had to force him, but he ate it!"

Jan, 17 2012     316 chars (2 sms)     777 views       Jokes > Santa Banta

more Santa Banta SMS Messages

Santa Singh returned back from the cinema hall without watching the cinema.what was the name of the cinema? Ans:NO ENTRY
Jeeto: If I die what'll you do? Santa: I may also die. Jeeto: Why? Santa: Some time too much of happiness can also kill a man.
Santa: May I come in Sir? IntervieweWait Please.. Santa: 75 KG Sir!
Pappu: Dad, main itna jawan kab banunga k main mummy ko bina bataye ghar se bahar ja sakoon.Santa: Beta, itna jawan to aaj tak main bhi nahi hua
Santa: "When I woke up this morning, I felt like going out and getting a job." Banta: "Did you?" Santa: "No. I stayed in bed until the feeling passed."
Joke of the Century:Teacher asked Sardar" If U dial 001 then what will happen?"Sarda"Police Jeep will come, in Reverse Gear...
Santasingh dials a no..A girl receives it. Santa who r u? Girl seeta here..santa oye maine to chandigarh phne kiya tha,ye ayodhya kaise pahunch gaya?
Santa: Can you spell a word that has more than 100 letters in it? Banta: Post office
Judge: You are charged with throwing your mother-in-law out of your fourth-story window. Banta: I did it without thinking, your Honor. Judge: Thats no excuse! Don't you see how dangerous it might have been for anyone passing by at the time?
Santa attending a interview in a software company.Interviewer:Do u knw MS Office?SANTA:Give the address.I wll find out where it is
Photographer Santa was focusing on the dead body's face in a funeral function. Suddenly all the relatives started beating him - why? He said "SMILE PLEASE"
SANTA car ki battery change karwane gayaMchanic- Sahab, Exide ki daal doon?SNTA- Nahin yaar,dono side ki daal de,warna phir problem hogi