God is 2 wise

God is 2 wise
God is 2 wise that he created friends without "Price Tags" B'coz if he did, i can't afford such expensive friend like "U" Take care. & hav gud dy

Jan, 16 2012     145 chars (1 sms)     934 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Our prayers should be for blessing in general, for God knows best what is good for us. Gd mrng
Could you do me a faVour..? Put Ur left hand over ur RIGHT Shoulder then Ur Right hand to ur LEFT Shoulder There! I’have just given u a hug! (”,) G’d mOrning…!!!
WhAt wil u do if 1 dAy d whole world on 1 side & u on opposite ?Simple..Just Turn bAck n u r leAder of d whole world.We say:Think DIFFFERENT .GM
Silence in lips may avoid many problems and smile in lips may solve many problems. So always have a silent smile...
Which is the longest word in English...? "Smiles" because there is a 'mile' gap between S & S. So keep smiling forever.GuD MorninG.
Friends r like crayonsthey colour our livesi may not b ur favourite colorbt hope u ll need me sumwhr to complete ur picture..!G'mrng
If LOVE & MEMORIES R ur weakest points..then u r the strongest person in the world"Good Morning..
Let evryday b a dream u can touch,let evryday b a luv u can feel,let evryday b a reason to live coz life indeed is beautiful.Have a Gud day
2 Be Happy,Dnt do whtevr u Like;bt Like Whtevr u Do...Happiness cum nt frm Havin much 2 Live on, ut Havin much 2 Live For...! Gud Morning!!!
U r a friend with a heart of gold..How much u mean 2me can never b told..U r some1 so sweet n true..1 in a million n that's only u.G'Mrng!
No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, and disciplined. But no life is ever happy until it is lived for the glory of God.GM
LAZY BONE WAKE UP! The sun has once brought brightness to earth! lazy bone. it's time 2 wake up gd morning...