Nothing lasts forever

Nothing lasts forever
Nothing lasts forever, you must learn to let go, so that more important things can find their ways into your life! Good Day.

Jan, 16 2012     124 chars (1 sms)     847 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

When u r in light,evrything wil follow u.But when u enter dark,even ur own shadow wil nt follow u.Thats life:G'mrng
May you rise each texting day with fully charged cell phone in your hand, inspiring message in your mind, me in your heart, and a clear signal all day long. Nice day
When God solves your problems u hav faith in his abilities, wen he doesn't solve ur problems he has faith in your abilities!!! Good morning....!...
"To Be Successful'U need Friends,But….To be VERY Successful,U need Enemies & Competitor.."GM
Memories are the treasures that we keep ocked deep within the storehouse of our souls, to keep our hearts warm when we are lonely. GOOD MORNING
Never hesitate in taking risks & working hard BCoz "u have2 dive deep in2 d sea 2 find d pearls.They're never found on d shores".Gud mornin
Timet is like a river U can't touch the same water twice,B'coz the flow that has passed will never pass again..... So enjoy every moment of life. *
Life's probs wouldntbe called hurdles ifthr wasnt way2getover thm Obstacles r those frightful things u see whn u take ur eyes off ur goal.GM
DonÂ’t take life too seriously & always find time to laugh coz laughter not only add years to ur life, but adds more Life to ur Years. Have nice day
Success lies not in the results, but in the efforts. Being the best is not so important, doing the best is all that matters... Good Morning
In life, don't focus on trying to make the right decision; instead work on making the decision right." Good Morning
Opinions are like hand watches. Everyones watch shows different time from others. But, everyone believe that their time is correct.. Thats life. Gud mrng--