Dont walk as

Dont walk as
Dont walk as lf you rule the world...but walk as lf you dont care who rules the world...!! thats called "attitude" Enjoy mrng

Jan, 16 2012     135 chars (1 sms)     916 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

"Whom U Dnt Need 2day, U'll NeedThem 2morrow. Whom U Reject 2day,Wil Never Again Accept U 2morrow" So Value D relationship.GD MRNG
If you are trapped between your feelings and what other people think is right, always go for whatever makes you happy. Unless you want everybody to be happy for you except you being happy for mrng
Hot tea with my COLD sms, Cold shower with my WARM sms, Spicy breakfast with my SWEET sms, & lovely morning with my GUD MORNING sms.
In our Lfe Hapinss is mre imprtnt thn Smile.B'coz Smile cmes frm d Lips,but Happiness comes from the Heart. So I wish u 2 b Happy Always.!GM
Bell give us tinkls,Fountain giv us sprinkls,Crying giv us wrinkls,& gud frnd mak us laugh& laughing gives us dimple skeep smiling.GD MRNG
Being a friend is not just sharing jokes, conversations, cup of coffee or funny story. It means sharing honest n true part of yourself...Gud mrng
TRUST is a betr complmnt than LUV Bcoz u may not alwys trust d prson u love, but u can alwys lov d prsn whom u trust Gud morning
If People Talk Behind Ur BackWhat Does It Mean?It Means, U R 2 Steps Ahead Of Them So Maintain Ur Position & Work Hard...!!!G'Mrng!
When Kids learn to walk, they keep falling; but to them its not failing, its learning.So there's nothing called failure. Evrythng is a Lesson.GooD MorninG
A sweeter smile. A brighter day. Hope everything turns out great for you today. Good morning and enjoy your day.
Gud mrng d sun is up time 2 fill ur coffe cup. d day is new & how it will be is up 2 u. makes plan 2 purse what it is that u seek so that u can stand on d highest peak filled wd delight hv a fantastic day
"SEVEN"is great number.Bcoz seven colrs make "RAINBOW"Seven swara makes"MUSIC"Seven day make a "WEEK"&seven spellings make"FRIENDS".GD MRNG