May The Sun

May The Sun
May The Sun Shine All Day Long, Everything Go Right And Nothing Wrong. May Those You Love Bring Love Back To You, And May All The Wishes You Wish Come True !!

Jan, 16 2012     158 chars (1 sms)     929 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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Life is only traveled once; today's moment becomes tomorrow's memory. Njoy every moment, gud or bad, coz the GIFT of LIFE is LIFE itself. Have a nice day.
Kill the STRESS before it Kills u. Reach the GOAL before it kicks u. Help evryone before somone helps u. Live the LIFE before Life leaves mrng
SMILE is a Source to Win a Heart..SMILE is a Name of Lovely Mood..SMiLE Creates Greatness in Personality!So KEEP SMILING.GM
"Mistakes increases ur experience and experience decreses ur mistakes.U learn from ur mistakes ;others learn from ur sucess.GM
Always start your day with a lot of S E X S-mile E-nergy X-citement so make SEX a daily habit, & u'll always be SMILING!
Faith makes all things possible, Hope makes all things work, Love makes all things beautiful, May u have all the 3, As u begin each day.good morning
Whenevr dere is gain do nt get excied or loss do nt afraid bcoz both situation will nt be 4ever.So enjoy life with gud thoughts & things. GM
AtTiTuDe RuLeS There are Only2 people who cn Tell U d Truth About Urself,A Friend who has Lost his Temper & an Enemy Who starts Loving you.GD MRNG
Every one wants happiness, no one needs pain, but its not possible to get a rainbow without a little rain! So face the life with confidence..Hav a g8 day!
When it is hard for u to hide ur tears.. Then never mind.. start choppin an onion.. let d heart Cry.. u just Smile n blame d onion.GD MRNG
Meaningful words: mirror is my best friend.. because when i cry; it never laughs...:gm
New day..New morning.. New hopes..New plans.. New efforts..New success... New feelings-: New mrng