Speed can be

Speed can be
Speed can be calculated by "MILES PER HOUR". But our life is calculated by "SMILES PER HOUR". So no BP be HAPPY always Gud morning:

Jan, 16 2012     131 chars (1 sms)     1076 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Everyone thinks of changing the world,But no 1 thinks of changing themself,Everybody wants to go to heaven but no body wants to die..
Troubles r like washing machine; They twist, turn & knock us around, but in the end we come out brighter than before Have a nice day!
Most luvable line:It brks ur hrt 2 c d 1 u luv Is happy wid sum1 else,bt its more painful 2 knw tht d 1 u luv is unhappy wid u.gud mrng.
Life ends when u stop Dreaming; Hope ends when u stop Believing; Luv ends when u stop Caring; So Dream, Believe n Care, Life is really Beautiful.
We live in our dreams, but dreams may die, don’t get shattered, never ever cry, the world is big & has lots to give, pick up a new dream, that's the way to live.GM
Persons who live in one's heart, are not needed to be met daily, their memories themselves are worth more than meeting them..GM
Dastak di kisi ne kaha khushiya laya ho, i nbox chota na pad jaye itni doaein laya hu naam hai sms aapko GOOD MORNING kahne aaya hu.
Love is like shadow & career is like lightIf u try 2 catch d shadow,u wll miss d light if u walk 2wards light,shadow wil automatically follow.GM
I've found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often." Good Morning
Silence is the best way to keep away from problems. Smile is a powerful tool to avoid many problems. So have a silent smile always...
Sendin GOOD MORNING daily is not jus a formality.Its d art of saying dat i remember U daily.I wont say"Hav a nice day",rather i wud say"Make it a nice day"!!
I woke up 2day "smiling" as i remember i hve a best friend like u & i hope many yrs frm now, i would still wake up smiling 4 d same good reason. :