1Tree Makes 1Lakh Match Sticks But 1Match Stick Can Burn 1Lakh Trees.Similarly 1Negative Thought Or Doubt Can Burn All Positive Thought.So B Positive.... G'Mrng!
Success is like a beautiful lover it will leave us at any time,but failure is like a mother it will teach us some important lessons of life. Good m6ning.
A NeW dAy beginning Is pErHaPeS d BeSt TiMe 2 SaY It'S s0 nIcE 2 kNoW u & hErE's WiShInG oUr FrIeNdShIp CoNtInUeS 2 gRoW In eVeRy DaYz To CoMe. GuD MRNG
"Life is a Book of Mysteries.,U'll Never kNow which Page wil briNg a Good Twist.,So,keep On ReadiNg.,Bcoz HappiNess comes wheN it's Most Unexpected".GM