No one can go back and make a new beginning but anyone can start from now and make a happy ending. Hope you’ll have a new day that starts right and ends happy.
little faith says "U can do it"Big faith says"U will do it"But Great faith says"consider It done!"Nothing is imposible wen U belive in urself Good Morning
Thought of the day-Think twice before leaving a space in someones heart, bcoz its difficult to realize the pain when u see someone else filling ur space..!:.GM
when i woke up early morning birds were singing i asked them i m missing a sweet voice in u a bird replied: u still havn’t said good morning to taht sweet Angel….so GooD MorninG sweet heart
Mithi neend Mithe khwaab Ho Gaya savera ab to jago janab Chand bhi chup gaya fir rat K intezar Me1 naya din shuru karo apni manzil ki talash Me.Gud Mrng