Always welcome a

Always welcome a
Always welcome a new day with a smile on you lips, love in your heart and good thoughts in your mind and you’ll have a wonderful day ahead…..Good Morning !!!!

Jan, 16 2012     158 chars (1 sms)     933 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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People..Say i am stone hearted.. Yes..I'm stone hearted..Bcoz anythng writen on stone Wil last 4ever..Lik u n ur memories writen in my heart..! Gud morG
The first Sunlight to touch Your face Is MY WHISPER to GOD to Take care of You And To make ur day a PLEASANT..!
Did u know SILENT & LISTEN have same letters? They may be different for others but are very relevant to us,coz I can LISTEN even when you"r SILENT
Thought- Doing nothing gets pretty tiresome because you cant stop and rest !!. ..... Good morning
God gives us a loving spirit so we can be better persons; not just gifted with a mind that understands but with a heart that truly cares. Good morning!
life spent with sumone 4 a lifetime maybe meaningless but few moments spent with sumone who realy likes u is morethan life itself..good morning.have a nice day
G-Get upO-Open ur eyesO-Out of ur bedD-Day has risenM-Mobile beepsO-One msg receivdR-Read & njoyN-Never mindI- It's just aN-New way 2 wishG-GuDmornig
If you learn only methods you'll be tied to your methods,But,if you learn principles,you can device your own methods.. hv a nice day.
What V have 4 ourslves dies with us but what V hav done 4 othrs remains 4ever V make a LIVING by what V get but V make a LIFE by what V Give.GD MRNG
The pleasure of being with u is pleasurable..even wen everyone on earth forgets u,remember here is one who forgets everyone,2 remember u...Gd mg
God smiled at me just this morning thru the rising sunrays. I'm sharing the same courtesy with you by sending you a warm smile that your heart can feel even without seeing.
A Child Laughs Abt 400 Times A Day But Man Laughs Only 15 Times A Day, B A Child By Mind. Forget Ur Worries & B Happy.GM