Every moment of ur life is a picture which u had never seen before and which u'll never see again. So enjoy n live life & make each moment beautiful. Gd mrng
sometimes ur luck is not with u,smtimes ur expectations r fail,just go and say to ur friend & pray to god he will make ur badluck in to gudluck.because god always loves u.gd mrng
Some relations never demand personal presence,it's the confidence in the relation which makes u aware that when needed the person would be with U..Gud mrng.
"Whn lot's of people start 2 love u,U may get confused whom 2 love,Just tel them i hate u,Every one wil get back but not the person who loves u truly.G'Mrng
Wen it rains all birds occupy sm shelter.Xpt EAGLE.Its only bird dat avoids rain by flyng abve clouds.Problem is comon 2all bt attitude mkes difference. God Mg