prayers & seeds

prayers & seeds
prayers & seeds are similar in nature ........ both have nothing within but have the potential of Creating Everything.

Jan, 16 2012     118 chars (1 sms)     861 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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To Meet N Depart Is D Way Of Life, But 2 Depart N Meet Is D Hope Of Life. We Meet 2 Create Memories, But We Depart 2 Preserve It....Gud Mrng..
5 Steps 2 A Lovely Mrng.Close Ur Eyes,Take A Deep Breath,Open Ur Arms Wide,Fel Ur Heart Beat&Say " It Is 2 Early,Let Me Sleep Again.G'Mrng
The gift of true frndship is that it takes us by the hand n reminds us,we r not alone in the journey of life.Gud mrng n have a nice day...
May I come into ur world?I bring no flowers, no gifts but wishes to keep u fresh, prayers to keep u healthy & love to keep u smiling..GM
Good Song :Few MinuteHappyGood Film :Few HoursHappyGood college :Few yearsHappyGood friendlike 'U' :Life Long happy.....! "HAVE A GOOD DAY".
When I met my wife I knew she was 'Miss Right.!'I didn’t know that her first name was 'Always' -Good MRNG
Time is lik a river U can't touch the same water twice bcoz the flow that has passed wil never pass again Cherish every moment of ur life.. Good morning.
When u Need Someone to Be Beside u And No One Is Around Just Gaze Up In The Sky,u Might Not See Me But Be Sure That We r Under The Same Sky,Id Never B 2 Far…GD MRNG
fresh morning fresh day fresh smile fresh faces fresh lifebut still the same good old love..,wish u have a refreshing day..Good Morning
Philosopy of love.... & life..... If u r not in love, u r missing something in life. If u r in love, u r missing everything in mrng
Sometime words are not comfortable to express our feelings. But our true lovable ones understand our feelings without any words.....!!!Gudmorning
Arguing with a boy is like wrestling with a pig in the mud. Aftre some time,u realize that u r getting dirty,but the pig is actualy enjoyng!