One of the best

One of the best
One of the best message I’ve ever read: “If u desire to blossom like a rose in the garden, first u have to learn the art of adjusting with the thorns.”gd mrng

Jan, 16 2012     158 chars (1 sms)     1337 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Best ever romantic words said by a true lover to his love-I Dont know how Beautiful U R bcoz my eyes Haven't Moved from ur eyes.. GDMrng..
Two great days in human life: "The Day We Were Born!" & "The Day We Prove Why We Were Born!" Believe in urself & Grow to the top!GM
success and excuses do not talk together,if you want excuses forget abt success and if you want success dont give mrng
A person who loves u make u realisehow wonderful the world is,but it's a frnd who makes u realize how wonderful are 2 the world.gud mrng
Specialc("") hot TEA"" for uI mixed it with love& happinessbut there is noSugar.BCoz I know u r very sweet."GOOD MORNING"
Lovely thought.... "Death is not the greatest loss in life. the greatest loss is what dies in you when you are alive". Gd mrng
Memories are always special. sometimes we laugh by remembering the days we cried. and we cry by remembering the days we laughed. thats life..good morning
A lot of things go unquestioned, Lot of question go unanswered. A few words go unsaid, Few go unheard. Some dreams r buried alive, Some r born dead. That’s life !!!gd mrng
If you learn only methods you'll be tied to your methods,But,if you learn principles,you can device your own methods.. hv a nice day.
Our prayers should be for blessing in general, for God knows best what is good for us. Gd mrng
Gulshan me bhanwron ka fera ho gaya,Purav me suraj ka dera ho gaya.Muskan ke saath aankhe khol pyaare,Ek baar fir se ek naya savera ho gaya. G'mrng
Beautiful lines"Worrying doesn't reduce yesterdays sorrows, but it empties todays strength". So DONT WORRY, BE HAPPY..Good day!