Dont Go d Way

Dont Go d Way
Dont Go d Way Life TakesU.Take Life d Way U Want to Go.Just b urself,dnt compromise always,Remembr U r Born to Rule not to be Ruled. B a 'WARRIOR in

Jan, 16 2012     156 chars (1 sms)     835 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

SMILES r like Birds that fly from face to face..May ur lips give them a better nest so that they can live there forever....Keep SmilingGM
"if People talk behind ur back wat does dat mean ?? Simple it means YOU ARE TWO STEPS AHEAD of them"just keep movin!! Gd mrng
This s stay-in-touch' msg. smtimes it hapns tat frds dnt communicate thinkng Y shd I if d other doesn’t.'m breakng those thots-keep n touch….GM
Whenever you get pains in your life. just think about the fullform of pains. ‘positive attitude in negative situation’ follow it & your life will change.. good morning…
Good morning n have a day of knowing that the flow of positive communication can soften the hardest of hearts. Good Day
Good Mrng"Just For You""Must For You""First For You""Nothing To Wish""Nothing 2 Say""Always Be Happy""Its My Pray""Have A Nice Day:-)"GUD MORNING .
WishingUonefine DAY!NO wOrries,NO hUrries,NO hangups,NO stress,NO lOss,NO tension,No depresion,No bad moods,Wishing U gr8 day..GOOD Mrng!
'G'od 'O'ffers U His 'O'utstanding 'D'evotion to 'M'ake U 'O'bedient& 'R'eady for a 'N'ew Day to 'I'nitiate 'N'ew Aim for d 'G'lory of Life! Gud mrng
Tru Relations ar d inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person coz you neither have to weigh ur thoughts nor measure ur words..Good Mrng
Each time I text you good am, it's not just a morning greeting. There's a silent message saying I thought of you as I woke up this morning! Good am!
WAVES are inspiring not because they RISE and FALL but because each time they FALL they NEVER FAIL to RISE AGAIN. Have a RISING LIFE. GOOD MORNING
understand hw beautifully god keeps adding one more day AT a tym in ur lyf. Not coz u need it.. Bt coz sum1 else needs u everyday!!GD MRNG