If you are trapped

If you are trapped
If you are trapped between your feelings and what other people think is right, always go for whatever makes you happy. Unless you want everybody to be happy for you except you being happy for yourself.gd mrng

Jan, 16 2012     208 chars (2 sms)     819 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

The first Sunlight to touch Your face Is MY WHISPER to GOD to Take care of You And To make ur day a PLEASANT..!
D wrong kind of ppl hate u 4gud in u & right kind of ppl love u aftr knowing even d bad in u.Dat makes perfect definition of relation...!!GM
When you don't havfaith in urself,then u cannot havfaith in other's also.To cross a bridge,U have to trust Urlegs, & also the bridge.GM
Pyari si sweet'ssi neend ke bad, raat ke kuch lamho ke bad,subahe ke kuch naye sapano ke saat, duniya me kuch apano ke saat, aapko pyara-sa shubprabat.
Nice Relationships Are Like the Breathing Air... You Will Never See Them... But You Will Always Feel Their Presence.....GM
No one in this world is rich enough to buy his own PAST So enjoy each moment before it gets beyond your reach! GOOD MORNING
Life teaches U to smile..but it also teaches U to cry.. It may be ironical but it is reality. You cannot know d value of Smile until U cry.gd mrng
In Life, we have a Lot to Lose & very Little 2 Choose.. Whenver u get a Chance to Choose, do it Wisely & see that u Never Lose what u Choose !!G'Mrng.
A early mor msg doesnt mean that i m disturbin u.. It means u r d best & best person abt whom i m thinkin b4 openin my eyes. G'morng.
Smile in pleasure, smile in pain; Smile when trouble pours like rain; Smile when someone hurts U, Smile coz someone cares 4 U. Keep Smiling.
"Every Relation Is Like Cardiogram. It Always Has Ups & Down. If Its Steady It Dies. So Accept It Positively, Believe In Forgiving" G'Mrng!
Happy I DAY"Happiness Always Looks Small When We Hold It In Our Hands.But When We Learn To Share It,We Realize How Big And Precious ItIs.