Life is Small, LIVE it... Love is Short, FLIRT it... Anger is Injurious, DUMP it... Troubles are Momentary, FACE it... Memories are Sweet, CHERISH it !gd mrng
The Price of Greatness is Responsibility, There r no limits on what we can achieve in our Life; except the Limit We accept in our minds! Have a good day
Gold rate keeps on increasing day by day I'am so so worried about u..Please be careful,Sum 1 kidnap Ubcoz u r a person with a Pure GOLDEN HEART Good morning
I have known the pain of failure, frutration , disappointment, defeat! Because I have taken a chane on Winning, Succeeding, Achieving! It takes a lot of the the first to get some of the second."HAVE A GREAT DAY AHEAD!!
Morning is not only sunrise but a beautiful miracle of god dat defeats the darkness n spreads light,may this b one more beautiful day for U..HAVE A NICE DAY....