I may b gone 4 a min 4 an hr 4 a day 4 a mth but i'l alwys b ther 4 u. i may nt b able 2 alwys say gd evning gd night but i promise i'l nvr say GUD BYE.
Hapines cant b traveled 2 ownedearnedor consumedits d spiritual xprience of living evry sec wid luv grace & gratitudehv hapy days alwayzGud morning...--
White 4 Peace, Red 4 Purity, Orange 4 Prosperity, Purple 4 Romance,Yellow 4 Health,Green 4 Wealth & Blue 4 Joy. May god give u evry color of life. Good morning
You can never change the past nor control the future. But you can change the mood of the day by touching someone's private organ. The heart. Now you're smiling! Good morning!
May you rise each texting day with fully charged cell phone in your hand, inspiring message in your mind, me in your heart, and a clear signal all day long. Nice day!
If every rain drops would b1of ur smile, i wish that it rains heavily through out. So that there is no space for tears in ur life. B hapy always..Gd MRNG