Beautiful things happen

Beautiful things happen
Beautiful things happen 2 beautiful people with beaytiful Hearts in beautiful places.i pray this day adds more beauty 2 ur beautiful life. gud mrng….

Jan, 16 2012     149 chars (1 sms)     818 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

"We love ourself even after doing thousand mistakes..Then how can we hate others for one mistake?"GM
Words & heart are the 2 things to be handled with care.Because words once spoken and heart once broken are D hardest things to retain again.Gs mrng
When All season will go dry, When All birds leave the sky, When All will say Good Bye, Once Again U will Find Me saying HHiiiiiii!!gd mrng!
Coin's always make sound but the rupees will always be silent. So, When ur value increases...Keep calm!!good morning n have a calm n wonderful week ahead :
Life is Beautiful One Day One Hour One Min…It's not come Again plz Avoid Avoid Angry plz Speak Lovely to Any PersonSpread ur Smile..Gud morning--
It's paradoxical, that the person on whom u have the most control, is yourself.Yet the hardest person to transform is yourself.Good Morning.
Fact of life "whom u don’t need today, u will need them tomarrow whom u neglect today,will never again accept u tomarrow.GD MRNG
Two secrets to keep your life brimming and avoid clashes.. Whenever you're wrong admit it. . . BUT Whenever you're right be silent. . . Gud Morning....
So simple it is to Live. So simple it is to Love.So simple it is to Smile.So simple it is to win. But it's too difficult to be so simple.G'Mrng!
Most relationships fail not coz of d absence of love.. Love iz always present, it's just that, one loves too much n d other loves too many.GD MRNG
If d Path is Beautiful ask wher it leads...But if the destination is beautiful dont ask hw is the path.Let us find our goal & keep walking....Gud Mrng
"Wen u hav money in hand,oly u forget who u r.Bt wen u do nt hav any money in hand,d whole world forgets who u r"Its life.. Good morning:-)