As rain covers

As rain covers
As rain covers the sun. truth covers the lies. angels cover the evil. flowers cover the garden. i wish and pray that happiness covers all the worries of your life. good morning

Nov, 07 2012     176 chars (2 sms)     824 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

There is no one who knows everything! There is no one who knows nothing!People judge u by ur action not by ur intentions...-GUD MORNING
All Power isWithin uU can doAnything &everythingBeliev in that.You Are the Creator ofYour Own Destiny.-"Swami Vivekanand".Gud morning.
O moon -go slowly.O beauty birds -dnt make noice.O breez -b slowly.O my heart -beat silently.Bcoz my dear frnd is opening d eyesG'Mrng!
Somebody asked God, "I Want Peace". God replied, "Remove the ' I ', that is Ego; Remove the 'Want', that is desire; & 'Peace' will be aautomaticaly urs,GD MRNG
The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it..GOOD MORNING..
Extending One Hand to Help Somebody has More Value,Rather than Joining Two hands for Prayer.GD MRNG
Some promises are always unbroken,some memories are always unwritten,feel the magic of TRUE RELATION and you'll know that some words are always unspoken... Good morning.
Look d sun is caling u! C d rays r shining for u!Listen d birds r singing to u!Hear "my heart" says very good mrning to all of u.
If you wake up, it’s a chance to achieve,If you go back to sleep it’s a lost chance.
Upper & lower case letters r named 'upper' & 'lower', cause in d time whn all original print had 2 b set in individual ltrs, d 'upper case' ltrs were stored in d case on top of d case tht stored smaller, 'lower case' ltrs.GD MRNG
GOD has deposited Love, Joy, Prosperity, Peace Laughter+all Kinds of Blessings in ur ATM Account Use W/out Limit. D PIN Code is mrng
Shadow of yesterday Have faded away, Sun has reappeared It’s a brand new day.Good Morning