The texts u send

The texts u send
The texts u send me nite & day lyk jewels in my hart dey stay…And so 2 God I always pray d best of blessings be urs each day.

Jan, 16 2012     125 chars (1 sms)     863 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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Fact of life "whom u don’t need today, u will need them tomarrow whom u neglect today,will never again accept u tomarrow.GD MRNG
Feeling r created by heart n feeling r controlled by mind so give importance to mind not to heart. Bcoz Al difficulties comes frm feelings.GM
Chalo sabse pahle ek kaam karte hai aapko pyar bara salam karte hai mubarak ho aapko yeh din is din ki sari khushiya aapke naam karte hai good morning
Mistakes make you think. They make you realize what you had, what you've lost and what you've taken for granted. They make you realize that sometimes, there are no next times, no time outs and no second chances.
What looks 2b Nothingfinally that bcomes Everything&what is everything suddenly changes 2 NothingThats Life !Learn 2 Live n Live 2 Learn.GM
Coin's always make sound but the rupees will always be silent. So, When ur value increases...Keep calm!!good morning n have a calm n wonderful week ahead :
May Ur Today Be, All U Ever Hoped For & Fondly Bring Ur Way PEOPLE Who Touch Ur Life With Endless Joy & Make U Happy Always.GUD MRNG
Learn to write ur pains on the sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away.. Carve ur joys on stone where even rain cannot erase it.GD MRNG
A lot of things go unquestioned, Lot of question go unanswered. A few words go unsaid, Few go unheard. Some dreams r buried alive, Some r born dead. That’s life !!!gd mrng
My silence doesn't mean I FORGOT U, My DISAPPEARANCE doesn't mean I don't care abt U.. B'coz "U" R alwys in my HEART. Good morning
Relationship doesnt get closer by meetngs, but it is sweetend by THOUGHTS. I care 4 u in my own STRANGE ways. Maybe u'll never know, Perhaps I'll nvr show.
"The happiest people in the world are not those who have no problems,but those who find happiness in problems and learn to live with things