Bahar aati hai

Bahar aati hai
Bahar aati hai aapke aane se Phool khilte hai aapki jhalak pane se zyada mat soiye janab kyoki her subah hoti hai aapke MUSKURANE se

Jan, 16 2012     132 chars (1 sms)     876 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Faith makes everything possible, Hope makes everything work, Love makes everything beautiful. May u have all the three as u begin each day. Gud Morning.
To be happy, don’t do whatever you like – like whatever you do. Happiness comes not from having much to live ON, but having much to live mrng
God knows your future. He may not reveal it to you, but he will walk with you and the future unfolds. Don't trust the stars, trust the ONE who made them.G'Mrng
Good Message for a Good Person from a Good Friend for a Good Reason at a Good Time on a Good Day in a Good Mood to say GOOD MORNING
Victory always starts in the head..It is a state of mind..It then spreads with such radiance n affirmation tht destiny can do nothing but obey.GMrng!
Sometimes A hurt is needed 2mAke u GrowFAilure is needed 2mAke u GrowLoss is needed 2mAke u GainBcoz Some lessons r best wen leArnt thru pAin..GM
You Will Never Be Anything in the World Without Courage .It is The Greatest Quality Of The Mind.GM
Thought for a lifetime - If you wait to be happy you will wait forever. But if you start to be happy you will be happy forever.... Good Morning .
Sweet gud mornin to a sweet person who passd sweet nite to saw sweet dreams now wants to pass the sweet day with sweet talks..Good morning.!
Dont walk as lf you rule the world...but walk as lf you dont care who rules the world...!! thats called "attitude" Enjoy mrng
Your worst days r never so bad, that u're beyond the reach of God's grace. And ur best days r never so good, that u're beyond the need of God's mrng
Pyaari Si Subhah Pyaare Se Panchi Pyaarese kinare,pyaari se bunde pyaari si thandi havaai Eak pyaar se insaan ko pyaara sa din jaaye.