Welcome the fresh

Welcome the fresh
Welcome the fresh morning with a "smile" on ur 'face", "Love" in ur "Heart" and 'Good Thoughts" in ur mind & You ll have a wonderful day.

Jan, 17 2012     137 chars (1 sms)     910 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Silence is the best way to keep away from problems. Smile is a powerful tool to avoid many problems. So have a silent smile always...
Shadow of yesterday Have faded away, Sun has reappeared It’s a brand new day.Good Morning
A snuke is a sigh of joy.A hug is a sign of love.A laugh is a sign of happiness & A friend like u wel thats a sigh of MY LUCK*********GOOD MORNING
White 4 Peace, Red 4 Purity, Orange 4 Prosperity, Purple 4 Romance,Yellow 4 Health,Green 4 Wealth & Blue 4 Joy. May god give u evry color of life. Good morning
LYF is a Rope dt Swings us thro HOPE,Always believ 2day is much Better dan Yday &2moro wil b Best dan 2day!So jst Go on.Gud nite.Swt drmz.
Not all angels have wings some have cell phones too. Thats why your angel is txting you right now greeting you “HELLO” and wishing you to be safe all the time
Youth, in age, is temporary but youth in attitude, is permanent. How do you want to live your life? Choice is yours." Good Morning
life spent with sumone 4 a lifetime maybe meaningless but few moments spent with sumone who realy likes u is morethan life itself..good morning.have a nice day
This s stay-in-touch' msg. smtimes it hapns tat frds dnt communicate thinkng Y shd I if d other doesn’t.'m breakng those thots-keep n touch….GM
Lyf is not worth livin until u hav some1 2 die 4… nd lyf is not worth dyin 1ce u hav some1 to live 4.. strange but true
Speed can be calculated by "MILES PER HOUR". But our life is calculated by "SMILES PER HOUR". So no BP be HAPPY always Gud morning:
Anger is quelled by compassion, enmity is quelled by friendship, hatred is conquered by love, and sins by good conduct.gd mrng