Lyf Has No Pause

Lyf Has No Pause
Lyf Has No Pause Button Dreams Have No Expiry Date Time Takes No Holiday Live Lyf Based On These Principles Think Well Live Simple & B Happy.GM

Jan, 16 2012     143 chars (1 sms)     872 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

BEAUTIFUL people reflect GOD in their lives.They THINK HIS thoughts, SPEAK HIS Words & LOVE without end.Remain a Beautiful Person ALWAYS!Hav a gr8 day
G-Get upO-Open ur eyesO-Out of ur bedD-Day has risenM-Mobile beepsO-One msg receivdR-Read & njoyN-Never mindI- It's just aN-New way 2 wishG-GuDmornig
Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas.Gud Mrng
GOD is always playing CHESS with each one of us. He makes Moves in our LIFE & then sits back to see how we react to the CHALLENGES ... So make the best move before CHECKMATE....
WADIYO se SURJ nikl aaya he,FIZAO me nya RANG chaya hai,KHAMOSH Q ho Aap ab to MUSKURAO,AAP ko GooD morning kehne aap ka Dost aaya hai
Dont take life too seriously,Always find time to laugh… Remember that laughter not only adds years to ur life,But adds more Life to ur Years….gd mrng
Live each day in d happiest way,be d best, no matter wher u stay.Let ur fortune so unfold, tht even the stones u hold, may turn into gold.G'Morning!
When You Speak From Your HeartAnd Say The Words Your Soul Has OnlyDared To Whisper,That's When Miracles Happen !!So, Believe In YourselfGood Morning
No one can go back and make a new beginning but anyone can start from now and make a happy ending. Hope you’ll have a new day that starts right and ends happy.
Its easy to convince one who is in anger but its not easy to compromise one who is disappointed. Never disappoint a person who cares about U. Good mrng
Wake up wink those teeny weeny eyes, stretch those inzy winzy bones, wear that jolly winning smile tell urself today is a beautiful day. Gud Morning.
Everyone is good to you,till you expect nothing from them..!And you are too Good to them only till u fulfill their expectations.!Good Mng