Being deeply lovd

Being deeply lovd
Being deeply lovd by sum1 gives u strength,loving sum1 deeply givs u courage,frndship often ends in lov.But lov in frndship nevr ends. Gm

Jan, 16 2012     137 chars (1 sms)     912 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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People who give importance to their happiness make other peoples unhappy from themselves. Good Morning
Go to window look outside,someone is waiting for ur smile.Found the sun i have sent the sun to say u gd mrng
Even a correct decision is wrong when it's taken too late.Vision without action is a day dream.Action without vision is a night mare.JUST THINK.GD MRNG
Sweet good morning to a sweet person who passed sweet night to saw sweet dreams now wants to pass the sweet day with sweet talks. Always keep smilling Gud mrng
Always have a Positive attitude in life: There is something Positive in every person & every situation..... Even a dead clock is right twice a day!. Gd mrng
SMILE means: "S"et u free "M"akes u Special "I"ncreases ur face Value "L"ifts up ur Spirits "E"rases all ur Tensions!! So keep smiling 4ever. GOOD DAY
What we love determines the decisions that we make and the direction in life that we take. "Good Morning"
Better Keep Yourself clean and bright you are the window which you must see the world. Good morning Have a nice day
"Arguement wins the situation, but loses the person."So never argue with close ones, only FIGHT, because it increases LOVE..!!!Gud mrng
Drop of water falls on lake, it loses identity.If falls on lotus, it shines,If on shell,it becomes pearl. Drop is same but Company matters! Gudmring..
Never Conclude a Person onHis Present PositionBCoZTIME has The Power to changean invaluable stoneinto a valuable Diamond..GM
Cute and true lines.. "Never choose a person without understanding and never lose a person after understanding..."gud mrng