A Nice Thought-

A Nice Thought-
A Nice Thought- "when we have the heart to forget those who made us smile, why can't we have the heart to forgive someone, who made usCRY.GM

Jan, 16 2012     140 chars (1 sms)     863 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

If u see some1 without a smile,give him one of urs.... Coz u r among a few good people who can shine other's life by just walkin with them.
Some relations never demand personal presence,it's the confidence in the relation which makes u aware that when needed the person would be with U..Gud mrng.
Courage is not the absence of fear,it is rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.GOOD MORNING .
little faith says "U can do it"Big faith says"U will do it"But Great faith says"consider It done!"Nothing is imposible wen U belive in urself Good Morning
On the New Day, it is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal and that every path may lead to Prosperity. Have a nice day
Evry tear is a sign of broken,evry silence is a sign of lonlines,evry smile is a sign of kindnes,my evry sms is a wish 4 ur hapines.Gd mrng
Thought to pondeWe make a living by what we get. But we make a life by what we give.. Good morning..
Luck is a loser's excuse for a winner's position ! D only thing that is truly urs that no one can control or take from u is ur Attitude. Live By it.
D shortest distance between a problem & its solutions is the distance between your knees & the floor. The one who kneels to GOD can stand up to anything!!gd mrng
We Always Feel that GOD Never comes on Time When We Call Him... But the Truth is ~ He is Always on Time But We are Always in Hurry!.good morning
Don't place UR mistakes on UR head,its weight may crush U.Instead place them under UR feet & use it as a platform to view UR horizon. GM
Bitter Truth Of Life:"If We Get What Ever We Love There Is No Respect 4 Tears. If We Love What Ever We Get There Is No Need 4 Tears!"GM