MeAning Ful Life:

MeAning Ful Life:
MeAning Ful Life:If u cAn not be a pencil to write anyone's hAppinessTry AtleAst to be nice Rubber 2 ErAse everyone's Sorrow.GM

Jan, 16 2012     127 chars (1 sms)     1066 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Morning Breeze ,Morning coolnes,Rising sun,Humming birds,Melting dew ,along with this" My Little Heart " is wishing a very "GLORIOUS MORNING"
Some relations never demand personal presence,it's the confidence in the relation which makes u aware that when needed the person would be with U..Gud mrng.
Trusting in god won't make the mountain smaller,but will make climbing easier. Do not ask him 4 a lighter load but ask him 4 a stronger back bone..Gm
Nevr get discouraged, bcoz nothng gr8 is ever achieved without patience&hope.Remembr,It is often d last key in d bunch dat opens d door.GM
The world will provide you with stones everyday; what you build out of it is your outlook - A bridge or a wall. Gd mrng
Life is more strict than a teacher.A teacher teaches a lesson and takes an exam..But life takes an exam and then teaches a lesson. Good Morning !!!
Even a correct decision is wrong when it's taken too late.Vision without action is a day dream.Action without vision is a night mare.JUST THINK.GD MRNG
try to Beeee the best friend i can beeeee, so here u go, some Goodmorning flowers right to you from meeeeeee.
A busy life makes prayers harder, But prayers make a hard and busy life easier. So always keep praying and remember me in your prayers.GD MRNG
"Arguement wins the situation, but loses the person."So never argue with close ones, only FIGHT, because it increases LOVE..!!!Gud mrng
Jivan ki har situatin me hamare pass hamesh 2 raste hote hai. Bhag lo aur bhaag lo choice is urs.GM
No one in this world is rich enough to buy his own PAST So enjoy each moment before it gets beyond your reach! GOOD MORNING