A""Rose Say""I

A""Rose Say""I
A""Rose Say""I LOVE YOU""A""Smile Say""I LIKE YOU""A""Ring Say""I MARRY YOU"""BUT""My Small S.M.S""Say""I Cant Forget u."good morning

Jan, 16 2012     133 chars (1 sms)     1070 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

You Will Never Be Anything in the World Without Courage .It is The Greatest Quality Of The Mind.GM
Good morning n have a day of knowing that the flow of positive communication can soften the hardest of hearts. Good Day
A Moment of Patience in a Moment of Anger Can Help You Avoid a Thousand Moments of Sorrow ..Good Morning!Smile AlwaysHave a wonderful day
pray 4 yr life that u truly deserve. A life as gud as yr heart. A life as bright as yr smile. And life as wonderful as you are.GM
Face Challenges Confidently Thinking:"IF I CAN'T, WHO CAN".But After WINNING Be Humble Enough To Say: "IF I CAN,WHO CAN'T"Good Morning>
life......a 4 lettres word which mean LOVE IS FOR EVERYONE.gd mrng
No sound in this world can be more louder than SILENCE n if some1 cannot understand ur silence,They can never understand your words !!GM
I've found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often." Good Morning
Losing d person u lov hurts.Some people say u'll get over it easily but its really tough especily whn d 1 u loved was d only 1 u ever loved....Gud Mrng
Experience makes one modified.Training makes one qualified.But, Involvment alone makes everyone Satisfied!So do all work with involvment.G'Mrng!
When you don't havfaith in urself,then u cannot havfaith in other's also.To cross a bridge,U have to trust Urlegs, & also the bridge.GM
No1 will manufacture a lock without a key.Similarly,God won't give problems without Solutions..So never Worry. Efforts always Succeed!gm mrng