Being a friend is

Being a friend is
Being a friend is not just sharing jokes, conversations, cup of coffee or funny story. It means sharing honest n true part of yourself...Gud mrng

Jan, 16 2012     145 chars (1 sms)     814 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

I Searched Many Gardens To Select A Flower To Give As A Gift To U? But I Didnt Find Any Flower Beautiful Than Ur SMILE...!Keep Smiling..GD MRNG
Dont walk as lf you rule the world...but walk as lf you dont care who rules the world...!! thats called "attitude" Enjoy mrng
The Best Insurance for tomorrow is a job well done Today.Its better to do small thing well than doing many things poorly. Good Morning.
Birt was not our choice, Death will not be our choice, but the way we live our life is our choice.. absolutely ours.. so make every moment mrng
Sometimes A hurt is needed 2mAke u GrowFAilure is needed 2mAke u GrowLoss is needed 2mAke u GainBcoz Some lessons r best wen leArnt thru pAin..GM
Garden ful of flowers flower ful of honey Honey ful of sweet sweet ful of taste But my HEARTFul of you & your FRIENDSHIP......$ Gud morning..
A New Morning a New Sun A New Day A New Smile Says To You Forget All The Worries All The Sorrow For Someone Who Wants To See You Always Happy GoOd MoRnInG ..
D wrst thng in lif is 'ATTACHMENT'- It hrts whn u lose itd bst tng in life is 'LONELINESS' bcoz it teches u evrythn n whn u lose it,u gt evrythnG.GM
WADIYO se SURJ nikl aaya he,FIZAO me nya RANG chaya hai,KHAMOSH Q ho Aap ab to MUSKURAO,AAP ko GooD morning kehne aap ka Dost aaya hai
Never search happiness in others, This will make you to feel alone. But search it in yours self, You will feel happy even you are left mrng
If I had a penny for everytime I thought of you, I'd still miss you, but at least I would be rich enough to come and see you..!!GM
Get up!Get up!GOD is waiting for u 2 give a gift of 24 GOLDEN HOURSwhatever u want,do it successfullyGud things will follow u.A very GuD MORNING